10 Ways to Press Pause on Paranoia

Here are some practical tips for managing excessive suspicion and anxiety.

Recognising when paranoia becomes an issue worth addressing can be challenging, as everyone's experience is unique. It’s important to press pause on paranoia because persistent and excessive feelings of paranoia can significantly impact your overall well-being and quality of life. I want to go over some ways that we can effectively press pause on paranoia when it rises up in our lives, however, I think it’s important to review some signs that it’s become a serious issue worthy of intervention first. Here is a quick list of signs that may indicate a need to address paranoia:

  1. Interference with daily life: If paranoia starts to interfere with your ability to perform everyday tasks, such as going to work, maintaining relationships, or engaging in social activities, it is worth addressing.

  2. Distorted perceptions: If you consistently interpret neutral or benign situations as threatening or suspicious, it may indicate a heightened level of paranoia that needs attention.

  3. Emotional distress: If feelings of fear, anxiety, and suspicion dominate your thoughts and cause significant distress or emotional turmoil, seeking help is important.

  4. Social and relationship challenges: Paranoia can strain relationships, as it often involves mistrust and suspicion of others' motives. If your paranoia is affecting your ability to trust and connect with others, seeking support is crucial.

  5. Impaired functioning and isolation: Paranoia can lead to withdrawing from social interactions and isolating oneself due to fear and suspicion. If you find yourself avoiding social situations or isolating from loved ones due to paranoia, it is important to address it.

  6. Duration and intensity: If paranoid thoughts persist over an extended period, intensify over time, or become increasingly disruptive, it may indicate a need for professional intervention.

If you or someone you know is experiencing persistent and distressing paranoia, it is absolutely recommended to consult with a mental health professional. They can conduct a comprehensive assessment, provide a diagnosis if necessary, and recommend appropriate treatment options to address the underlying causes of the paranoia and help manage the symptoms effectively. Remember, seeking help is a sign of strength and can lead to significant improvements in your overall well-being. For more preventative measures we can own in our everyday lives, let’s take a look at ten action items to consider.

1. Try some mindful breathing exercises

Taking a few deep breaths and focusing on the present moment can help to calm your nerves and reduce feelings of paranoia.

Luminary Perspective: 

Oprah Winfrey has spoken about the benefits of practising mindful breathing, stating that it helps her to reduce stress and stay centred.

Practical Application: 

Set aside a few minutes each day to practise deep breathing exercises. You can do this at your desk, in the car, or even while waiting in line. Focus on your breath and try to clear your mind of other thoughts.

2. Practice gratitude

Focusing on the things you're grateful for can help shift your mindset and reduce negative thinking patterns that can fuel paranoia.

Luminary Perspective: 

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson has talked about how practising gratitude and focusing on the positive aspects of his life has helped him overcome anxiety and depression.

Practical Application: 

Take a few minutes each day to write down three things you're grateful for. This could be anything from a delicious meal to a kind gesture from a friend. Focusing on the positive aspects of your life can help shift your mindset and reduce feelings of anxiety or negativity.

3. Get active

Physical activity, such as exercise or a brisk walk, can help release endorphins and reduce stress, which can help alleviate paranoid thoughts.

Luminary Perspective: 

Actor and comedian Kevin Hart has spoken about how exercise has been a crucial part of managing his mental health, helping him to reduce stress and stay focused.

Practical Application: 

Make it a priority to get some form of physical activity each day, whether that's going for a walk, hitting the gym, or even just doing a few stretches at your desk. Exercise releases endorphins, which can help boost your mood and reduce stress.

4. Connect with others

Talking to a trusted friend or family member can help provide perspective and support, which can help alleviate feelings of paranoia.

Luminary Perspective: 

Lady Gaga has been open about her struggles with mental health and the importance of seeking support from others who understand what she's going through.

Practical Application: 

Take the time to reach out to a friend or family member each day, even if it's just to say hello or check in. Making connections with others can help reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation.

5. Practice visualisation

Imagining a peaceful scene, such as a beach or a forest, can help you relax and take your mind off of paranoid thoughts.

Luminary Perspective: 

Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps has talked about how visualisation techniques, such as imagining himself winning a race, have helped him to stay focused and motivated.

Practical Application: 

If you're feeling stressed or anxious, take a few minutes to close your eyes and visualise a calming scene. This could be a beach, a forest, or any other place that makes you feel relaxed and peaceful.

6. Take a break from social media

Social media can often exacerbate feelings of paranoia, so taking a break from it can help alleviate those feelings.

Luminary Perspective: 

Singer Selena Gomez has spoken about how taking a break from social media has been a key part of managing her mental health, allowing her to focus on herself without the pressure of external validation.

Practical Application: 

Set boundaries around your social media use. For example, you could designate specific times of day when you'll check your accounts, or limit your use to a certain amount of time each day. Taking a break from social media can help reduce feelings of comparison or FOMO.

7. Get creative

Engaging in creative activities, such as drawing, painting, or writing, can help distract your mind and reduce feelings of paranoia.

Luminary Perspective: 

Actress and writer Lena Dunham has spoken about the therapeutic benefits of writing and other creative pursuits, stating that it helps her to process her emotions and express herself.

Practical Application: 

Carve out some time each day to engage in a creative activity that you enjoy. This could be anything from drawing or painting to cooking or playing music. Getting creative can help reduce stress and provide a sense of accomplishment.

8. Try aromatherapy

Certain scents, such as lavender or chamomile, can have a calming effect on the mind and body, which can help alleviate paranoia.

Luminary Perspective: 

Actress Emma Watson has talked about how she uses aromatherapy to help her relax and unwind, particularly when she's feeling stressed or anxious.

Practical Application: 

Use essential oils or other scents to create a calming environment. You could use a diffuser at home or work, or carry a small bottle of your favourite scent with you. Lavender, chamomile, and peppermint are all popular choices for reducing stress and anxiety.

9. Practice self-compassion

Treating yourself with kindness and understanding can help reduce feelings of self-doubt and insecurity, which can fuel paranoia.

Luminary Perspective: 

Actress and singer Demi Lovato has been open about her struggles with mental health and the importance of treating herself with kindness and understanding.

Practical Application: 

Be kind and forgiving to yourself when you make mistakes or experience setbacks. Treat yourself the way you would treat a good friend, and practise positive self-talk to combat negative self-talk.

10. Seek professional help

If your paranoid thoughts are persistent and interfering with your daily life, consider seeking the help of a mental health professional. They can help provide support and guidance in managing your symptoms.

Luminary Perspective: 

Numerous celebrities, including JT, Demi Lovato, and Lady Gaga, have spoken about the importance of seeking professional help when struggling with mental health issues. Many have shared their experiences with therapy or medication, emphasising that there is no shame in seeking help and that it can be a crucial step in managing mental health.

Practical Application: 

If you're struggling with your mental health, don't hesitate to seek professional help. Make an appointment with a therapist or mental health professional, or talk to your doctor about medication options. Remember, there is no shame in asking for help, and taking care of your mental health is just as important as taking care of your physical health.

Made Up Mind content should never be mistaken as medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Information published to this website or by this brand is not a replacement for medical advice. Please consult qualified health or mental health professionals with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your mental health.


KIRU is an American artist, author and entrepreneur based in Brooklyn, New York.


024 – what good are they now


Day Twenty-Four: Cultivating Meaningful Relationships With Those Around us