Day Fifty-Five: Honesty Starts from Within

Today's affirmation:

“Honesty begins with me, myself and I”

Thoughts on today’s affirmation:

I believe that honesty is an important foundation for any relationship. Therefore, it is important to prioritise being honest with yourself first before expecting others to be honest with you.

Today’s affirmation in art form:

The abstract painting could show a person standing in the middle of a circle, with concentric circles radiating outwards from them to represent honesty emanating outwards from oneself. The colours used could suggest the complexity of what being honest with oneself entails, as well as how this can lead to more authentic connections with others.

In-depth remarks:

The affirmation of ‘Honesty begins with me, myself, and I’ is an important reminder that we are the ones responsible for creating an atmosphere of honesty in our relationships. Honesty begins with us, and then extends outwards to those around us. In order to be truly honest with ourselves, we must take into account our own beliefs, values, and experiences. Only then can we be open and honest with others.


055 – searching for freedom


054 – anyone understand me?