Day Fifty-Nine: Assessing the Intent Behind Our Words Before We Say Them

Today's affirmation:

“Because I am a peacemaker, I am willing to weigh the intent of my words before I speak them”

Thoughts on today’s affirmation:

I think that it is commendable to be a peacemaker and weigh the intent of one's words before speaking them. It shows consideration for others and helps foster compassionate communication in any situation.

Today’s affirmation in art form:

I would describe the affirmation as an abstract painting that is filled with calming colours such as blues and whites, combined with hints of warmer colours such as reds and yellows. The painting could be a representation of the process of thought and deliberation that goes into the willingness to be a peacemaker.

In-depth remarks:

The affirmation is a reminder to take our time when speaking with others, to assess the intent behind our words before we say them. It promotes compassionate communication and understanding between people, as well as an emphasis on resolving conflicts peacefully instead of resorting to heated arguments. This affirmation encourages us to listen before we speak, to give thoughtful consideration to our words in order to create a peaceful dialogue.


059 – i grew out of fear


058 – waiting for the train