Day Fifty-One: Learning To Appreciate  Yourself Just As You Are

Today's affirmation:

“I am beautifully and perfectly made”

Thoughts on today’s affirmation:

I think that celebrating your individuality is important and should be done as often as possible. Everyone has something special to offer, and recognising that can help you live a more fulfilling life.

That is a very positive outlook! Everyone is uniquely and wonderfully made, and it is important to remember that.

Today’s affirmation in art form:

The affirmation could be represented as an abstract painting with vibrant colours and textures. Swirls of yellow, orange and red could represent the energy and liveliness of the statement, while hints of blue could signify the calming assurance of the message. The painting could also incorporate elements of light and darkness to represent its universality, as it appeals to all people regardless of background or situation.


051 – i’ve gone internal


050 – searching for myself