Day Forty-Eight: Navigating Life with More Mindfulness

Today's affirmation:

“Being aware of what is less than perfect for me enhances my ability to properly navigate through this life”

Thoughts on today’s affirmation:

I think this affirmation is very true. Being aware of one's imperfections helps to identify areas that could be improved upon, as well as to recognize strengths and weaknesses in various situations. This self-knowledge can help an individual effectively make decisions and progress through life in a more efficient manner.

Today’s affirmation in art form:

The affirmation could be described as an abstract painting of a person running through life, with the vibrant colours representing the journey and the various imperfections highlighted in bold yet subtle hues. The painting conveys the idea that knowledge of one's flaws is not only necessary, but pivotal to successfully traverse the ever-changing, unpredictable terrain of life.

In-depth remarks:

The affirmation speaks to the importance of self-awareness and how it can positively impact an individual's journey through life. With a better understanding of one's imperfections, a person can be more informed in their decision making, more realistic in their goals and ambitions, and more mindful in navigating through life. Knowing what is less than perfect can help lead to greater levels of success, happiness and overall fulfilment.


048 – i’m gonna make it


047 – i won’t forget you