Day One Hundred Eighteen: Love Will Protect Us When We Are Most Vulnerable

Today's affirmation:

“The power of Love at work in me is greater than any weapon that could ever be formed against me”

Thoughts on today’s affirmation:

I believe that love has a powerful ability to protect and empower us in difficult times. This affirming statement reinforces that belief and is an uplifting reminder of its power.

Today’s affirmation in art form:

The abstract painting would most likely feature bright and bold colours to depict the strength and vibrancy of love. The shapes may be wavy and swirling, representing the dynamic, ever-changing nature of love and its effect on us. It could also include geometric shapes to symbolise the protection and security that love brings.

In-depth remarks:

The affirmation speaks to the power of love and how it is greater than any weapon that could potentially be used against us. It symbolises how love can be a source of strength and resilience even when faced with trying circumstances. It also serves as a reminder of how love is always present and capable of protecting us in our most vulnerable moments.


Day One Hundred Nineteen: Your Worth is Not Based on External Sources


Day One Hundred Seventeen: Fostering a Sense of Liberation