Day Sixty-Nine: Creating  Healthy Boundaries for Our Own Wellbeing

Today's affirmation:

“I am responsible for discerning the proper boundaries I must set in order to protect my physical health and my peace”

Thoughts on today’s affirmation:

I think it's important to take responsibility for discerning the types of boundaries you need to set in order to protect both your physical health and your sense of peace and wellbeing. It is essential to consider the various aspects of your life, such as your work, relationships, home environment, etc., when determining the best boundaries for you. Taking the time to consider these can help you to create boundaries that give you the right type of protection so you can live your life with peace and balance.

Today’s affirmation in art form:

The affirmation could be described as an abstract painting featuring swirling, vibrant colours that convey a sense of protection and balance. The painting could feature shapes and motifs that represent the boundaries that we must set to protect our physical health and peace of mind. The painting may also feature softer hues that highlight the importance of taking responsibility for discerning the proper boundaries to maintain our well-being.

In-depth remarks:

The affirmation emphasises the importance of taking responsibility for our own physical health and sense of peace. It encourages us to set boundaries that are appropriate for our individual needs and circumstances, recognising that these boundaries may change over time. It also encourages us to be mindful and discerning when creating these boundaries, ensuring that they provide us with the protection we need in order to live our lives with balance and wellbeing.


Day Seventy: A Strong Reminder of the Power of Knowledge and Discernment


Day Sixty-Eight: Being Well Equipped to Give and Receive Love