Day Sixty-One: Being Mindful of Our Words and Actions

Today's affirmation:

“Some interactions with others may cause me to feel hurt, however, there is comfort in knowing that I may use these experiences to learn more about myself, as well as how my words and actions may affect others”

Thoughts on today’s affirmation:

I think this affirmation is positive and encouraging. It encourages us to take responsibility for our words and actions, and to learn from difficult interactions to become better people. This affirmation also acknowledges that we may feel hurt in certain situations, but provides comfort in knowing that we can use those experiences to grow.

Today’s affirmation in art form:

The affirmation can be described as an abstract painting of a series of intricate shapes and colours that represent the complexity of human emotions, from hurt to growth. The bright colours suggest optimism and hope, while the intricate details reflect the depth of learning and understanding that comes from difficult interactions.

In-depth remarks:

The affirmation encourages us to take stock of our own behaviour and to be mindful of how our words and actions can affect others. It also acknowledges that there will inevitably be times when our interactions with others cause us to feel hurt, but provides us with comfort in knowing that those experiences can be used to learn more about ourselves and become better people. This affirmation encourages self-reflection and understanding, which can ultimately lead to more meaningful relationships in the future.


061 – poetry is within me.


060 – new experience awaits