Day Twenty-One: Positive Thinking Leads to A More Fulfilling Life 

Today's affirmation:

“Surrounding myself with positive energy increases my capacity for abundant living”

Thoughts on today’s affirmation:

I believe that surrounding yourself with positive energy is an important part of creating an abundant life. Positive energy can help to foster a healthy mindset, which can in turn lead to a more meaningful and enjoyable life experience.

Today’s affirmation in art form:

The affirmation can be seen as an abstract painting that is vibrant with colours and energetic lines. The colours represent the positive energy that surrounds us and the lines represent the abundance of opportunities that are available to us if we choose to embrace them. The painting symbolises the potential of limitless possibilities that come with surrounding oneself with positivity.

In-depth remarks:

Surrounding oneself with positive energy can create more fulfilling experiences and opportunities in life. By actively cultivating a positive attitude, it can be easier to identify and take advantage of opportunities that arise. The positive energy can also help foster healthier relationships and inspire more creative pursuits. Keeping an open mind and a can-do spirit can open up pathways to a more abundant life.


KIRU is an American artist, author and entrepreneur based in Brooklyn, New York.

021 – i like where this is going


020 – look at all our plans