Day Forty-Four: Keeping An Open Mind To Knowledge And Growth

Today's affirmation:

“Wisdom is indiscriminate of age. This means I can be wise in any moment of life”

Thoughts on today’s affirmation:

I believe that wisdom is something that is gained over time, and while someone of any age can learn and gain new knowledge, it is important to remember that having wisdom is something that takes experience and knowledge.

I think it is important to appreciate wisdom from different people, whether they are young or old. We can learn from each other no matter our age and through that gain insight into the world around us. We should not let age be a barrier to gaining knowledge and understanding.

Today’s affirmation in art form:

I would describe the affirmation as an abstract painting that is vibrant, varied and full of life. It would be a painting composed of bright colours and shapes, with each piece coming together to form a larger picture. The painting would represent the idea that knowledge and wisdom can come from unexpected places, no matter one's age or background.

In-depth remarks:

The affirmation is a reminder that knowledge, understanding and wisdom are accessible to everyone. It encourages us to look beyond age and barriers, and reveals that everyone has the potential to gain insight from their experiences. We should all strive to appreciate wisdom from multiple sources, and keep an open mind when it comes to learning and growth.


044 – we already know


043 – believe in yourself