Find Your Own Happiness: Love & Relationships

Unpacking Common Misconceptions & Building Lasting Joy

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Delusion vs. Duality: Debunking Myths of Happiness in Relationships

Fairytales and Hollywood paint a picture of romantic love as the key to ultimate happiness. But research suggests a far more nuanced reality. Here, we explore common misconceptions about happiness in relationships, grounded in the understanding that happiness is an internal state we actively create.

Myth #1: My Partner Completes Me

This belief, popularized in Western culture, sets an unrealistic expectation. A 2013 study by The Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (US) found that focusing on self-sufficiency – the ability to find fulfillment within oneself – leads to greater well-being in relationships [1]. Partners enhance our lives, but shouldn't be the sole source of happiness.

Myth #2: Constant Butterflies Mean True Love

The rush of new love, with its intense emotions, is often mistaken for long-term happiness. However, a 2017 study published in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin (US) suggests this “passionate love” fades over time [2]. Healthy relationships transition to a calmer, more companionate love, built on trust, respect, and shared values.


Myth #3: Conflict = Relationship Failure

Disagreements are inevitable, but a 2019 study in the Journal of Marriage and Family (US) found that healthy couples focus on effective communication during conflict [3]. Open communication allows partners to understand each other's needs and navigate challenges constructively.

Myth #4: Happiness is Always 50/50

The idea of an even split in happiness contribution ignores individual differences. Research by The Gottman Institute (US), a renowned relationship research center, suggests some couples naturally fall into a 60/40 or 70/30 dynamic, where one partner tends to be more naturally positive [4]. The key is for both partners to contribute to a positive emotional climate.

Myth #5: Sacrifice Everything for Love

Healthy love shouldn't require sacrificing personal growth or core values. A 2018 study from the University of Queensland (Australia) suggests that maintaining individuality within a relationship fosters long-term satisfaction [5].

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So, how can we avoid relationship delusions?

  1. Focus on Self-Synthesis of Happiness: Embrace activities and interests that bring you independent joy. Pursue goals and cultivate hobbies that enhance your sense of self-worth.

  2. Practice Gratitude for Your Partner: Appreciate the positive aspects your partner brings to your life. Regularly express your gratitude for their presence and contributions.

  3. Communicate Openly and Honestly: Share your needs and desires with your partner. Listen actively to theirs. Foster an environment of open communication where both voices are heard.

  4. Invest in Shared Activities: Find activities you both enjoy, from shared hobbies to adventures. These experiences build positive memories and strengthen your bond.

  5. Seek Professional Help When Needed: Therapy can equip you and your partner with effective communication and conflict resolution skills.

Remember, happiness in relationships is a continuous journey, not a destination. By managing expectations, focusing on individual well-being, and actively nurturing the connection, couples can cultivate a deeper, more resilient sense of happiness together.


[1] Diener, E., & Diener, C. (2013). The remarkable ability of gratitude to elevate happiness. The Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 104(1), 842-852!  [2] Lewandowski, G. W., Aron, A., & Reynolds, K. D. (2017). The transformative power of initial love: A research agenda. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 43(2), 181-199. [3] Baucom, D. H., Hoyt, A. R., Mishna, F., & Schumacher, J. A. (2019). Negative communication patterns in marital conflict and divorce: A contextual perspective. Journal of Marriage and Family, 81(5), 1107-1123!  [4] The Gottman Institute [5] McNulty, J. K., & Russell, A. M. (2018). Maintaining personal growth within close relationships. Current Opinion in Psychology, 20, 103-108!


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KIRU is an American artist, author and entrepreneur based in Brooklyn, New York.

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