A Guide to Building Better Habits in 2023

This guide covers how to define unhealthy habits, explores 10 common unhealthy habits along with their causes, effects and potential solutions, and articulates six steps you can take to build better habits in your own life.

It's important to overcome unhealthy habits and build better ones because they can have a significant impact on our overall well-being. Unhealthy habits can lead to negative consequences such as holistic (physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual) health problems, decreased productivity, and relationship issues. Additionally, unhealthy habits can prevent us from reaching our full potential and achieving our goals.

On the other hand, building better habits can lead to positive consequences such as improved holistic (physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual) health, increased productivity, and improved relationships. Building better habits can also help us to feel more in control of our lives and can increase our self-esteem and confidence.

Using the Terms “Healthy” and “Unhealthy” Instead of “Good” and “Bad”

Notice that instead of using the term “bad” to define problematic or less helpful habits, we are using the term “unhealthy.” The reason behind this is simple. The terms “good” and “bad” are abstract and highly subjective. They mean different things to different people, which makes it harder to discuss things like personal habits, which are not necessarily all “good” or all “bad” for all people.

Instead of “good” and “bad,” we will use the terms “healthy” and unhealthy,” and in this case we will also use the term “better” to describe habits that are considered to be healthier than others. Keep in mind that as you read, you may see a habit as being better or worse for you based on your own personal life goals and desires. 

10 Common Unhealthy Habits

Unhealthy habits are commonly repeated practices that adversely impact our holistic health in one way or more. In this post, we will take a look at 10 different examples of commonly known unhealthy habits. For each habit we will briefly explore common causes behind them, the time of life in which these habits normally begin, why people often struggle with these habits, and various issues that may arise as a result of these habits. Let’s take a look:

  1. Smoking – Common causes can include stress, peer pressure, and a desire to fit in. People often begin smoking in their teenage years. People often struggle with quitting smoking due to nicotine addiction, stress, and social triggers. Long-term effects of smoking can include lung cancer, heart disease, and respiratory issues.

  2. Overeating – Common causes can include emotional eating, lack of self-regulation, and easy access to high-calorie foods. People often begin overeating in their teenage years. People often struggle with overeating due to emotional triggers, lack of self-awareness, and an inability to control cravings. Long-term effects of overeating can include obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

  3. Procrastination – Common causes can include lack of motivation, perfectionism, and fear of failure. People often begin procrastinating in their teenage years. People often struggle with procrastination due to the pressure of deadlines, lack of organisation, and fear of failure. Long-term effects of procrastination can include poor academic or work performance, anxiety and depression.

  4. Neglecting Self-Care – Common causes can include busy schedules, lack of time, and lack of information on how to take care of oneself. People often begin neglecting self-care in their teenage years. People often struggle with neglecting self-care due to lack of time, lack of awareness of the importance of self-care, and lack of knowledge on how to take care of oneself. Long-term effects of neglecting self-care can include poor physical and mental health, and burnout.

  5. Nail Biting – Common causes can include stress, anxiety, and boredom. People often begin nail biting in their childhood. People often struggle with nail biting due to anxiety, stress, and boredom. Long-term effects of nail biting can include damaged nails, and potential infection.

  6. Gambling – Common causes can include stress, boredom, and a desire for excitement. People often begin gambling in their teenage years. People often struggle with gambling due to the addiction, poor financial management and the negative effects on relationships and work. Long-term effects of gambling can include financial difficulties, relationship problems, and mental health issues.

  7. Substance Abuse – Common causes can include stress, trauma, and a desire to escape reality. People often begin substance abuse in their teenage years. People often struggle with substance abuse due to addiction, mental health issues, and social triggers. Long-term effects of substance abuse can include addiction, health issues, and legal problems.

  8. Social Media Addiction – Common causes can include stress, boredom, and a desire for validation. People often begin social media addiction in their teenage years. People often struggle with social media addiction due to a lack of self-regulation, emotional triggers, and a desire for validation. Long-term effects of social media addiction can include poor mental health, poor physical health, and relationship problems.

  9. Television Addiction – Common causes can include stress, boredom, and a desire for escapism. People often begin television addiction in their teenage years. People often struggle with television addiction due to a lack of self-regulation, emotional triggers, and a desire for escapism. Long-term effects of television addiction can include poor physical health, poor mental health, and lack of productivity.

  10. Negative Self-Talk – Common causes can include stress, low self-esteem, and a lack of self-awareness. People often begin negative self-talk in their teenage years. People often struggle with negative self-talk due to stress, low self-esteem, and a lack of self-awareness. Long-term effects of negative self-talk can include low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, and a lack of confidence. Negative self-talk can also affect relationships, work performance, and overall quality of life. It's important to be aware of one's thought patterns and try to replace negative thoughts with positive ones in order to overcome this habit.

Now, before we move on, I have to make note of the fact that most of these unhealthy habits are known to begin in our teenage years. Those years where we finish middle school, meander through high school and go off to some combination of college and/or work are where we create some of the most important and long lasting habits in our lives. 

  • If you are reading this as a teenager, then this is probably the best time to reevaluate some things and really take ownership of the habits you are creating. 

  • If you are reading this as the parent of a minor, then it is your responsibility to be self-aware of your contribution to the environment that your child is being raised in, and take ownership of your role in introducing them to better habits for a better quality of life. 

  • If you are reading this as an adult, and you notice the presence of one or more of these habits and their adverse health effects in your life, then take comfort in knowing that you are not alone. Take courage in knowing that it is not too late to build better habits. Keep reading for possible ways you can overcome.

Building Better Habits to Overcome Unhealthy Ones

The best way to overcome an unhealthy habit is to build a better habit in its place. It’s no secret that our brains function like supercomputers. Humans operate on the principles of system and routine. 

Let’s look at some ways to overcome these unhealthy habits we’ve just explored, as well as how long you might expect your transition into better habits may take.

  1. Smoking – To overcome smoking, some strategies include setting a quit date, finding a support system, using nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), and practising stress-reduction techniques. The process of quitting smoking can take several weeks to several months, and may require multiple attempts before achieving success.

  2. Overeating – To overcome overeating, some strategies include identifying emotional triggers, practising mindful eating, finding healthy alternatives to favourite foods, and keeping a food journal. The process of overcoming overeating can take several weeks to several months, depending on the severity of the habit and the individual's commitment to change.

  3. Procrastination – To overcome procrastination, some strategies include breaking tasks into smaller parts, setting deadlines, using a schedule or to-do list, and using positive self-talk. The process of overcoming procrastination can take several weeks to several months, depending on the severity of the habit and the individual's commitment to change.

  4. Neglecting Self-Care – To overcome neglecting self-care, some strategies include setting aside time for self-care activities, finding healthy ways to cope with stress, and practising mindfulness. The process of overcoming neglecting self-care can take several weeks to several months, depending on the severity of the habit and the individual's commitment to change.

  5. Nail Biting – To overcome nail biting, some strategies include keeping nails trimmed and filed, keeping hands busy with activities, and using bitter-tasting nail polish or other remedies. The process of overcoming nail biting can take several weeks to several months, depending on the severity of the habit and the individual's commitment to change.

  6. Gambling – To overcome gambling, some strategies include avoiding triggers, setting financial limits, seeking therapy or support groups, and finding healthy alternatives to gambling. The process of overcoming gambling can take several weeks to several months, depending on the severity of the habit and the individual's commitment to change.

  7. Substance Abuse – To overcome substance abuse, some strategies include seeking professional help, joining support groups, practising stress-reduction techniques, and developing a healthy lifestyle. The process of overcoming substance abuse can take several weeks to several months, depending on the severity of the habit and the individual's commitment to change.

  8. Social Media Addiction – To overcome social media addiction, some strategies include setting time limits on social media use, finding alternative activities, and practising mindfulness. The process of overcoming social media addiction can take several weeks to several months, depending on the severity of the habit and the individual's commitment to change.

  9. Television Addiction – To overcome television addiction, some strategies include setting time limits on television use, finding alternative activities, and practising mindfulness. The process of overcoming television addiction can take several weeks to several months, depending on the severity of the habit and the individual's commitment to change.

  10. Negative Self-Talk – To overcome negative self-talk, some strategies include identifying negative thoughts, challenging those thoughts, and replacing them with positive affirmations. The process of overcoming negative self-talk can take several weeks to several months, depending on the severity of the habit and the individual's commitment to change.

It is important to note that everyone is different, and the process of changing habits may take longer or shorter time depending on the individual and the habit. Additionally, it's essential to seek professional help if needed, whether it is a therapist, counsellor, or a support group, they can provide guidance and support throughout the process.

Conclusion, Plus Six Steps to Building Better Habits

Building better habits can help us to achieve our goals and reach our full potential. For example, a habit of regular exercise can lead to improved physical health and a habit of reading can improve cognitive functioning. Building better habits can also help to improve our overall well-being, making us feel happier, healthier, and more fulfilled.

Regardless of the habit you are hoping to build, here are six key steps to always keep in mind:

  1. Clearly define the behaviour you desire to change and set specific, measurable goals.

  2. Start small and build gradually, making your success more reasonable and possible.

  3. Use a trigger, such as a specific time or location, to remind you to perform the desired behaviour.

  4. Track your progress and celebrate small wins.

  5. Be persistent and consistent in your efforts.

  6. Make adjustments as needed and seek support if needed.

Remember that change takes time, so be patient with yourself and stay encouraged, even if you slip up! Overcoming unhealthy habits and building better ones is important because it can lead to positive changes in our physical, mental, and emotional well-being, which in turn can help us to reach our full potential, achieve our goals, and lead a more fulfilling life.

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KIRU is an American artist, author and entrepreneur based in Brooklyn, New York.


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