9 Reasons Communication is Imperative for Your Mental Health

The mental health experts have spoken! Clear communication is good for your mental health, overall wellbeing and your relationships with others.

Have you ever been in a situation where you were frustrated because you felt like everything you said or did was being misunderstood? Or maybe you’ve been in a situation where everyone worked off of assumption instead of mutual understanding. I think this is an important topic for us to explore more, especially because sometimes it seems like we talk about communicating better without actually understanding why it is important to do so.

Clear communication is essential for mental health because it helps us express our thoughts, feelings, and needs effectively. When we are unable to communicate clearly, we may feel frustrated, misunderstood, or even isolated, which can negatively impact our mental well-being.

Here are some specific reasons why clear communication is important for mental health:

1. Reduces stress and anxiety

When we are unable to communicate our thoughts or feelings effectively, we may feel overwhelmed, leading to stress and anxiety. Clear communication helps us articulate our concerns and reduce our stress levels.

"Clear communication is essential for reducing stress and anxiety. When we can express ourselves effectively, we are less likely to feel overwhelmed or misunderstood. It is important to practice assertive communication, which involves expressing ourselves in a way that is respectful and effective." – Dr. Dominique Padurano, licensed clinical psychologist and founder of Padurano Group

Consider this: Practise deep breathing or other relaxation techniques to help manage stress and anxiety. Use assertive communication to express your needs and boundaries, and avoid passive or aggressive communication styles.

2. Improves relationships

Clear communication helps us build and maintain healthy relationships with one another. When we are able to express ourselves clearly, we are more likely to be understood, respected, and valued by those around us.

"Clear communication is the key to building and maintaining healthy relationships. When we can express ourselves with clarity and authenticity, we are more likely to be understood, respected, and valued by those around us. It is important to remember that communication is a skill that can be learned and improved over time." – Dr. Laura Dabney, psychiatrist and relationship coach

Consider this: Practise active listening and empathy in your interactions with others. Aim to be open and honest in your communication, and avoid being defensive or judgmental. Focus on finding solutions together rather than blaming or criticising.

3. Enhances self-awareness

Clear communication requires us to be mindful of our thoughts and feelings. By reflecting on our inner experiences, we can gain a better understanding of ourselves, which can lead to improved self-esteem and confidence.

"Clear communication requires us to be mindful of our thoughts and feelings, which promotes self-awareness. When we can reflect on our inner experiences and express ourselves effectively, we can gain a better understanding of ourselves and develop a stronger sense of self-worth." – Dr. Christina Iglesia, licensed psychologist and founder of Mindful Healing

Consider this: Practise mindfulness or other self-reflection techniques to increase self-awareness. Pay attention to your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours, and practise expressing them in a clear and authentic way. Be open to feedback from others and use it as an opportunity for growth.

4. Facilitates problem-solving

Clear communication helps us identify problems and find solutions. When we can express our concerns, we can work collaboratively with others to find effective solutions.

"Clear communication is essential for identifying problems and finding solutions. When we can express ourselves with clarity and listen actively to others, we can work collaboratively to find effective solutions to our problems. It is important to approach communication with an open mind and a willingness to compromise." – Dr. David Songco, licensed psychologist and founder of Life Balance Therapy

Consider this: Practise active listening and empathy to understand the perspectives of others. Focus on finding common ground and brainstorming solutions together. Be open to compromise and willing to consider different perspectives.

5. Encourages healthy boundaries

Clear communication helps us establish and maintain healthy boundaries with others. When we can clearly communicate our needs and expectations, we are less likely to feel overwhelmed or resentful.

"Clear communication is the foundation for establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries. When we can communicate our needs and limits with clarity, we are less likely to feel resentful or overwhelmed. It is important to remember that boundaries are not selfish, but rather an essential part of self-care and protecting our mental health." – Jor-El Caraballo, LMHC, therapist and co-founder of Viva Wellness

Consider this: Start by identifying your personal needs and limits. Practise communicating them to others using "I" statements (e.g. "I need some alone time right now" instead of "You're smothering me"). Be open to negotiating boundaries with others and remember that it's okay to say no.

6. Reduces misunderstandings

Misunderstandings can lead to confusion, conflict, and frustration. Clear communication helps us avoid misunderstandings and promotes clarity in our interactions with others.

"Misunderstandings can lead to conflict, which can be detrimental to our mental health. Clear communication is a powerful tool for reducing misunderstandings and promoting harmony in our relationships. It is important to actively listen to others and clarify our own perspectives to avoid misunderstandings." – Jennifer Rollin, MSW, LCSW-C, therapist and founder of The Eating Disorder Center

Consider this: Practise active listening by giving your full attention to the person speaking and asking clarifying questions. Try to avoid making assumptions or jumping to conclusions. If you're unsure about something, ask for clarification.

7. Increases self-advocacy

Clear communication allows us to advocate for ourselves and our needs effectively. When we can express ourselves clearly, we are more likely to get our needs met and feel empowered.

"Self-advocacy is an essential component of mental health. When we can communicate our needs and boundaries effectively, we are more likely to get our needs met and feel empowered. Clear communication helps us advocate for ourselves and promotes self-care." – Jessica Frazier, LPC, therapist and founder of Root Counseling, LLC

Consider this: Identify your goals and priorities. Practise expressing them assertively using clear and direct language. Be willing to negotiate and compromise with others to find solutions that work for everyone.

8. Enhances empathy

Clear communication promotes empathy and understanding in our relationships with others. When we can communicate clearly, we are better able to understand others' perspectives and connect with them on a deeper level.

"Clear communication is essential for building empathy and understanding in our relationships with others. When we can communicate with clarity and authenticity, we are more likely to connect with others on a deeper level and build meaningful relationships." – Dr. Mariel Buqué, licensed psychologist and founder of The Therapy Collective NYC

Consider this: Practise active listening and being fully present in your interactions with others. Try to put yourself in their shoes and imagine how they might be feeling. Practice expressing empathy and validation, such as "That sounds really tough, I'm sorry you're going through that."

9. Promotes mental clarity

Clear communication helps us organise our thoughts and make sense of our experiences. When we can express ourselves clearly, we are better able to process our emotions and make decisions that support our mental health.

"Clear communication helps us organize our thoughts and make sense of our experiences. When we can express ourselves with clarity, we are better able to process our emotions and make decisions that support our mental health. It is important to remember that communication is a two-way street, and actively listening to others is just as important as expressing ourselves." – Dr. Debra Kissen, clinical director at the Light on Anxiety CBT Treatment Center

Consider this: Practise journaling or other forms of self-expression to help organise your thoughts and process your emotions. When communicating with others, take a moment to collect your thoughts before speaking. Use clear and concise language to express yourself.

Clear communication is an essential tool for maintaining good mental health. It helps us express ourselves, build relationships, solve problems effectively, establish healthy boundaries, reduce misunderstandings, increase self-advocacy, enhance empathy, and promote mental clarity.

Made Up Mind content should never be mistaken as medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Information published to this website or by this brand is not a replacement for medical advice. Please consult qualified health or mental health professionals with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your mental health.


KIRU is an American artist, author and entrepreneur based in Brooklyn, New York.


009 – all i want is light


Day Nine: Be Kind and Compassionate to Yourself!