Day Thirty-Seven: Love Has the Capacity to Carry Us Through
Love transcends boundaries and gives us the courage to pursue our passions and dreams.
036 – where i want to be
Haiku 036
Day Thirty-Six: The Importance of Believing In Ourselves
The affirmation emphasises the importance of believing in ourselves and staying focused on our goals, no matter what obstacles may arise.
035 – what a special day
Haiku 035
Day Thirty-Five: Finding Strength And Clarity in Times of Adversity
When we focus our attention on love, our doubts and insecurities can be transformed into feelings of hope, courage, and faith.
034 – you are the moment.
Haiku 034
Day Thirty-Four: Inner Power and Love Trump External Obstacles
Love provides the strength and courage to push forward despite any challenges or fears that we may face.
033 – i can do all things
Haiku 033
Day Thirty-Three: Welcoming True Love And Connection
The affirmation serves as a reminder that we can create an environment within ourselves that allows us to tap into our innermost selves and welcome true love and connection.
032 – there’s no place i’d rather be
Haiku 032
Day Thirty-Two: Love as an Unlimited Source of Strength and Support
Love is a powerful emotion that can be the driving force behind our success and our happiness.
031 – a palace of love
Haiku 031
Day Thirty-One: A Selfless Act That Often Leads to Positive Outcomes
This affirmation serves to remind us that giving from love can ultimately lead to fulfilment and contentment.
030 – how grateful am i
Haiku 030
Day Thirty: Being Conscious of Our Interactions With Others
This could be interpreted as a reminder to be conscious of our interactions with others, and strive to treat everyone with kindness and understanding.
029 – you will always be.
Haiku 029
Day Twenty-Nine: Creating an Environment Where Relationships Can Grow
The affirmation speaks to the power of love and trust in establishing strong relationships.

028 – where is your heart now?
Haiku 028

Day Twenty-Eight: Strive For Peace
This affirmation promotes understanding, patience, and respect for differences, and encourages us to strive for a peaceful and harmonious society.

027 – hand that i desire to hold
Haiku 027