Day Twenty-Seven: We Have Agency and Control Over Our Mental and Emotional Well-Being
The affirmation encourages us to tap into our inner power and strength in order to protect our peace.

026 – we’re not meant for war
Haiku 026

Day Twenty-Six: Embrace Your True Self
It is important to accept yourself and be comfortable in your own skin.

025 – i work all the day
Haiku 025

Day Twenty-Five: Fostering Understanding and Compassion
I believe that harmonious living with those around us is an important part of creating a strong and cohesive community.

024 – what good are they now
Haiku 024

10 Ways to Press Pause on Paranoia
Here are some practical tips for managing excessive suspicion and anxiety.

Day Twenty-Four: Cultivating Meaningful Relationships With Those Around us
Love gives us an opportunity to create relationships based on mutual respect and understanding.

13 Reasons Friendships End
Real talk, plus expert strategies for closure and growth!

023 – i’m in love with this
Haiku 023

Day Twenty-Three: The Importance of Being Open to Love
This affirmation celebrates the beauty of loving deeply and embracing the profound effect that it can have on our lives and the lives of others.

022 – still chasing our dreams
haiku 022
7 Common Causes of Paranoia
Let’s take a look at the spectrum of paranoia as it relates to our mental health.
Day Twenty-Two: Tap Into Your Inner Strength
It is important to remember that no matter what difficult circumstances you face, you have the power to persevere and overcome them.

021 – i like where this is going
haiku 021
Day Twenty-One: Positive Thinking Leads to A More Fulfilling Life
Positive energy can help to foster a healthy mindset, which can in turn lead to a more meaningful and enjoyable life experience.

020 – look at all our plans
haiku 020
Day Twenty: Maintaining a Positive Outlook
Surrounding yourself with positive influences can help you to stay focused on your goals and can provide encouragement when things are difficult.

019 – i can see it in your eyes
haiku 019

Day Nineteen: Moving Forward With Clarity and Resilience
Being positive helps us to focus on the good in life and make positive changes.