018 – i like it this time
haiku 018

Day Eighteen: Pushing Past Limiting Beliefs, and Exploring Our Options
This can lead to personal growth, and help us to develop creativity and resilience as well.

017 – what will happen next?
haiku 017

10 Tips for Navigating PTSD
Take control of your symptoms, live a better life.

Day Seventeen: With Love, We Feel More Empowered
With love, we feel more empowered to think positively and make changes in our lives.

How Do You Handle Difficult People at Work?
Insights from mental health experts, and a scene from NBC’s “The Office”

016 – remember this truth
haiku 016
Day Sixteen: Strive to Make Love a Central Part in Your Life
Love often encourages us to give and be selfless, which is a great virtue to have.

015 – you will pass this test
haiku 015

7 Things You Didn’t Know About PTSD
Lesser-known mental health challenges associated with PTSD, and expert advice on how to help loved ones who may be experiencing symptoms.

Day Fifteen: We Can Create Positive Change in Ourselves and Others
Love is a precious gift that we can use to bring joy and healing to others.

014 – it wasn’t easy
haiku 014

Day Fourteen: Finding Beauty, Joy and Peace by Tapping Into the Power of Love
Love is an essential part of our existence, and when we connect with it, we can create beautiful moments that are meaningful and inspiring.

013 – give yourself credit
haiku 013

Day Thirteen: Love is What Drives Us to Be Kind to Others
Kindness is an expression of love and so if we truly have love in our hearts, it will naturally lead us to be kind to those around us.

012 – open up your heart
haiku 012

Day Twelve: Having A Holistic Approach to Life is Important
Having a holistic approach to life is important, as it allows us to recognize the interconnectedness of all aspects of our lives.

011 – it won’t last always
haiku 011

Day Eleven: Anything is Possible When You Put Your Mind to It
It's important to set new goals and challenge yourself. Anything is possible when you put your mind to it.

010 – spare me your sad song
haiku 010