10 Tips for Dealing with Anxiety
Plus global anxiety metrics and advice from mental health experts!

Day Ten: Appreciate All the Good That Exists
Being aware of the good things in life helps to foster gratitude, which can help to increase happiness and appreciation.

009 – all i want is light
haiku 009

9 Reasons Communication is Imperative for Your Mental Health
The mental health experts have spoken! Clear communication is good for your mental health, overall wellbeing and your relationships with others.

Day Nine: Be Kind and Compassionate to Yourself!
Stay focused on yourself and your own wellbeing, even when life gets hectic.

008 – no one knows the way
haiku 008

7 Symptoms of Anxiety
Here are some common forms of anxiety, and how to get support for them.

Day Eight: We Have an Inherent Right to be Loved
Everyone should be treated with love and respect, and we should all recognize that we are all worthy of it.

007 – i have hope for what will be
haiku 007

Day Seven: We Can Find Joy and Purpose in Life
There are so many possibilities and opportunities available to us. We should make the most of it and enjoy it!

006 – i am powerful and strong
haiku 006

Day Six: We Have the Potential to Achieve Great Things
With determination and a strong will, even the most seemingly impossible dreams can be achieved.

005 – whatever have i become?
haiku 005

Happiness on Paper: 25 Journal Prompts to Help Boost Your Happiness
Here’s why and how writing while happy is good for your mental health, with tips from literal psychologists.

Day Five: Real Courage Comes from Within
Courage is an admirable quality, and it's important to strive to be courageous in all aspects of life.

004 – life is a challenge
haiku 004

Day Four: Appreciate the Simple Joys in Life
It is important to recognize the joy within yourself.

003 – giving thanks for now
haiku 003

10 Ways to Defeat Symptoms of Depression
If you’ve been feeling down, here are some ways you can get back up.

Day Three: Inner Strength is Essential for Success
Believing in yourself and having the courage to take risks can lead to many successes.